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CSAS Publications Search Results

45 file(s) found.

Research Documents (1977+)

Number  Region(s)  Title  Author(s)/Contact(s)  
1978/001 Newfoundland & Labrador
Shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in the Labrador area - A first assessment
Sandeman, E.J.
1978/002 Newfoundland & Labrador
The Newfoundland west coast herring stocks
Moores, J.A.
Winters, G.H.
1978/003 Newfoundland & Labrador
Recent trends in stock size recruitment and biological characteristics of southern Gulf herring
Winters, G.H.
1978/004 Maritimes
Gulf of St. Lawrence herring stock complex - spring 1978 status report
Lett, P.F.
O'Boyle, R.N.
Messieh, S.N.
1978/005 Maritimes
The decline of the herring fishery in northern Northumberland Strait and its possible causes
Messieh, S.N.
1978/006 Newfoundland & Labrador
Trends in the witch fishery on St. Pierre Bank
Bowering, W.R.
1978/007 Newfoundland & Labrador
An analytical assessment of the witch flounder stock in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (ICNAF Divisions 4R and 4S)
Bowering, W.R.
1978/008 Newfoundland & Labrador
Effects of a by-catch of young redfish in the Port au Choix shrimp fishery - First implications
Parsons, D.G.
1978/009 Newfoundland & Labrador
Length-weight relationships of cod in Subdivision 3Ps and area 3Pn4RS in winter, 1978
Wells, R.
Kean, G.H.
1978/010 Newfoundland & Labrador
Some characteristics of winter concentrations of redfish in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence and Cabot Strait areas
Parsons, D.G.
Veitch, P.J.
LeGrow, E.M.
1978/011 Newfoundland & Labrador
American plaice from ICNAF Subarea 2 and Division 3K, a stock assessment update
Pitt, T.K.
1978/012 Maritimes
A programming language (APL) programs for the assessment of exploited fish stocks
Marshall, W.H.
1978/013 Maritimes
4VsW cod assessment for 1978 (Addendum 1)
Gray, D.F.
1978/014 Maritimes
Simulation and assessment of the dynamics of American plaice stocks in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (4T)
Schweigert, J.
1978/015 Maritimes
Response of cohort analysis to change in proportion of catch reported
Gray, D.F.
1978/016 Newfoundland & Labrador
Growth of cod (Gadus morhua) - A laboratory study
Waiwood, K.C.
1978/017 Maritimes
An interpretation of biological factors important in the management of the Northwestern Atlantic mackerel stock
Lett, P.F.
Marshall, W.H.
1978/018 Newfoundland & Labrador
Status of cod stock in Subdivision 3Ps and addendum 1
Bishop, C.A.
Wells, R.
1978/019 Maritimes
ICNAF Div 4X - Haddock spring 1978 status report
O'Boyle, R.N.
1978/020 Newfoundland & Labrador
Division 3O redfish assessment
McKone, W.D.
1978/021 Maritimes
A multispecies simulation for the management of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence cod stock
Lett, P.F.
1978/022 Newfoundland & Labrador
A general production model assessment of Subarea 2 + Division 3K Redfish
McKone, W.D.
1978/023 Maritimes
Division 4VWX Redfish
Mohn, R.K.
1978/024 Maritimes
An assessment of 4VWX + 5 Pollock & Addendum 1
Cleary, L.
1978/025 Maritimes
Herring assessment in Div. 4WX
Stobo, W.T.
Gray, D.F.
Metuzals, K.I.
1978/026 Newfoundland & Labrador
An assessment of the stock of shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in the Esquiman Channel, Gulf of St. Lawrence
Sandeman, E.J.
1978/027 Maritimes
Status of snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) stocks in the Gulf of St. Lawrence
Bailey, R.E.
1978/028 Quebec
Taux de mortalité des classes d'âge recrutées pour Pandalus borealis dans le N.O. du golfe du St-Laurent (1976)
Labonté, S.S.M.
1978/029 Newfoundland & Labrador
Growth curves for Newfoundland lobsters from data on molt increment and proportion molting
Ennis, G.P.
1978/030 Newfoundland & Labrador
A model and computer program used to assess yield per recruit in Newfoundland lobster stocks
Ennis, G.P.
Akenhead, S.A.
1978/031 Newfoundland & Labrador
Yield per recruit assessments for Newfoundland lobster stocks
Ennis, G.P.
1978/032 Maritimes
Standardization of Canadian east coast statistical unit areas
Jones, C.
1978/033 Quebec
Research on harp seals in 1978
Sergeant, D.E.
1978/034 Newfoundland & Labrador
Prognoses of yield and abundance of southeast Newfoundland herring for 1979
Winters, G.H.
Moores, J.A.
1978/035 Newfoundland & Labrador
Estimation of natural and total mortality rates of Northwest Atlantic mackerel
Winters, G.H.
1978/036 Quebec
Results of tagging and branding of hooded seals, 1972-1978
Sergeant, D.E.
1978/037 Maritimes
Inshore-offshore SW Nova Scotia lobster stock interaction: a hypothesis
Stasko, A.B.
1978/038 Maritimes
Preliminary assessment of the red crab resource off the Scotian Shelf
Stone, H.H.
Bailey, R.E.
1978/039   Withdrawn
1978/040   Withdrawn
1978/041 Maritimes
Analysis of the snow crab population in northwestern Cape Breton, 1978
Bailey, R.E.
1978/042 Maritimes
Status and assessment of Northumberland Strait scallop stocks
Jamieson, G.
1978/043 Newfoundland & Labrador
Growth patterns in a Newfoundland Herring stock
Moores, J.A.
Winters, G.H.
1978/044 Quebec
The herring population of the St. Lawrence estuary
Côté, G.
Powles, H.
1978/045 Maritimes
The interrelationships between herring stocks in the Canadian Atlantic fisheries as revealed by multivariate analyses of their meristic characters
Messieh, S.N.
Longmuir, J.

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